Sunday, April 21, 2013

Little League Banner

Hi, My name is Aja. I live in Virginia Beach, Va. I'm 21 years old, and currently about to start college for Graphic Design and Photography. I am a coach along side my brother, who is the manager  for APLL Minor B Giants. This is our 3rd season coaching for APLL Baseball. For opening day ceremony we have to have a homemade team banner, in which are rewarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Being that I am indeed good with designing flyers, banners, etc. I took on the project of creating the team banner. I went a head and did an out line of how I wanted it to look on photoshop 3 weeks in advanced. When it was time to complete the banner, I already had the idea, so all I needed was the supplies. I probably spent no more than 15-20 dollars for EVERYTHING.

The opening day ceremony was April 13th, so I spent the whole day April 12th from 1-1:30pm to about 10pm putting the banner together. We won 1st place for the team banner, and our boys were so happy. That was such a great way to start off the seasons.

That brings me to wanting to make , and sell homemade banners to those that are not that crafty, and good with designing. If interested I will be making homemade banners for $75, price includes supplies, and shipping, if outside Virginia Beach. Email me at